A Guide to Seasonal Tree Maintenance
Posted: 2022 | Disease Treatment | Fall | Insect Control | Spring | Summer | Tree and Shrub Care | Tree and Shrub Pruning | Winter
Wisconsin is known for having distinctly different seasons. The changes we observe in our trees is one way we recognize that the seasons are shifting. When buds start to form, we know spring is in the air. When the leaves start to change colors, we know cooler weather and shorter days are ahead. With these constant changes in nature, it is no wonder that tree maintenance in Wisconsin can be complicated for many homeowners.
Fortunately, Wachtel Tree Science’s Certified Arborists have years of combined experience when it comes to tree maintenance for the wide variety of trees found in our state. From when to prune a tree, to the best time for a disease or insect tree treatment, our comprehensive guide will help you keep up to date on your tree’s health care needs.
When to Prune a Tree
Winter is an ideal time to work on the structure of trees when the ground is frozen, gardens are inactive, and trees have shed their leaves. Pruning in the winter with low temperatures and humidity can greatly reduce the risk of disease problems spreading. There are multiple other benefits of pruning during the dormant season which you can read more about in our newsletter: Dormant Season Structural Pruning: Why My Trees Need It.
There is a right way and wrong way to prune. Poor pruning can result in permanent and detrimental effects on your tree therefore hiring a professional that understands the biology of a tree, the characteristics of the species, and the industry standards is important. A pruning schedule is recommended to maintain the structural integrity and health of your tree over time. Some trees may need pruning every other year, whereas others may not need pruning for several years. For further insight on when to prune a tree in your yard, schedule a tree evaluation with your Wachtel Tree Science Arborist.
Tree Treatment For Pests and Diseases
A tree treatment at the correct time of year can help protect your tree against pests, diseases and environmental stresses. Creating a treatment plan in the winter months will ensure you have a thorough care plan in place before the growing season begins. Tree treatment for diseases such as Apple Scab, can be planned ahead to make sure your tree is protected before the disease becomes a significant issue in spring or summer.
Throughout Milwaukee and other parts of southeast Wisconsin, most ash trees that have not been treated are now dead due to Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestations. Leaving trees untreated for pests like EAB can have detrimental results. Planning ahead in winter to implement late summer Trunk injections will limit insect infestations and enable your tree to live and grow. Having an annual evaluation and tree treatment by a Certified Arborist can help protect against pests and diseases. For more information on our tree services, visit our plant health care page. To schedule your service, contact us.
Seasonal tree maintenance can help keep your trees healthy and beautiful all year long. For more information on seasonal tree care, check out our Tree Care Calendar which uses a combination of science and professional experience to help you determine the best time to treat your trees.