Employee Story: Keith Glaznap
Posted: 2024 | Employee Stories | Fall | Spring | Summer | Winter
Job Title:
Diagnostic Arborist
Industry Certifications:
Certified Arborist, WI-0678A
Bachelor of Science with dual major in Urban Forestry and Forest Recreation
Areas of Expertise/ Specialties:
Evaluating trees for health, insects, and diseases
How Did You Get Your Start at Wachtel Tree Science and Why Did You Choose Wachtel as Your Employer?
I decided to make a change in the direction that my career was going and Wachtel afforded me the opportunity. What attracted me to Wachtel was the fact that they emphasized taking care of trees in a manner consistent with what the science recommended and what was best for the client. The emphasis on “doing the right thing” was stronger than anywhere else I had ever seen and they had knowledgeable individuals that could understand what to do and why.
What Do You Like Best About Working at Wachtel Tree Science?
The emphasis placed on caring for trees using science and making recommendations based on what is best for each client and their tree(s). Equally exciting has been the opportunities created for all of us to continue learning and improving our understanding of trees.
What Advice/Tips Do You Have for Aspiring Tree Care Professionals?
Strive to understand the “why” in everything that you do. Understanding “why” will greatly increase your understanding of trees and will make caring for them more productive and more rewarding. Answering this question can also help to make those around you better as well.
Hobbies and Interests:
Hunting, Hiking, Camping, Fishing
Is There Anything Else You’d Like to Say About What it Feels Like to Work for Wachtel Tree Science?
It is great to feel needed, have a voice that is heard, and receive the level of support from our leadership team that we do. We are truly blessed!