The Emerald Ash Borer’s Stages
Stage 1: The Egg
The EAB’s eggs are extremely small. They’re around a millimeter in size and are reddish-brown in color. Adults tend to lay eggs within furrowing bark and within the crown of ash trees. Areas in which their eggs can be spotted include bark cracks and crevices, the surface of the bark, or underneath the outer bark.
Stage 2: The Larva
Within 7 to 10 days of being laid, the EAB’s eggs become a larva. In this stage, their appearance is flat with white grubs and 22-32mm in length. Once they’re free from their egg, they burrow within the inner bark and cambial layer, creating S-shaped feeding galleries under the bark. The inner bark tissues and the cambium provide them with the source of food they need to continue to grow. These tissues are also responsible for transporting water and nutrients throughout the ash tree Wisconsin. The larva undergoes 4 instar stages. Larval development is much faster on ash trees that have already experienced stress.
Stage 3: Pre-Pupa
Taking place within the first 7-9 months, the final instar stage is just before it becomes a pupa. During the last instar, the larva will create a small chamber and curve back onto itself into a position that indicates it has entered the pre-pupa stage. They can be found in the bark of thicker ash trees and in the outer sapwood of thinner ash tree disease treatments. They do not feed once they’ve reached the pre-pupa form.
Stage 4: Pupa
After 4 instars and 10 months, the larva finally begins to turn into the adult beetle. The pupa is 10-14mm in length and features become significantly more apparent as time goes on. The last feature to appear is the emerald ash coloration. Similar to its’ pre-stage, the pupa does not feed.
Stage 5: Adult
If you notice a bright green, small beetle ranging between 0.3 and 0.5 inches, then you’re looking at the adult Emerald Ash Borer. The males and females look almost identical and cannot be determined at first glance. They can typically be seen exiting ash trees during the spring season. Adults feed specifically on ash leaves. While the adult’s feeding habits do little damage to the tree, it does change the appearance significantly. Within a month of being an adult, the Emerald Ash Borer is ready to mate and continue the cycle of laying eggs.
Treating For the Emerald Ash Borer
Identifying any of the Emerald Ash Borer signs mentioned above should immediately prompt you to take action. However, treating your ash trees even without clear signs is recommended – especially in quarantined areas. Though it seems as simple as heading to your local lawn care store and picking up some insecticide, EABs are deeply rooted and can defeat many over-the-counter solutions. Successfully and effectively ridding the EAB of your ash trees requires professional assistance done by a certified arborist.
Contact Wachtel Tree Science Today
Regardless of the time of year, the Emerald Ash Borer can be present on your ash trees. Each stage requires different diagnostics that our arborists are educated in performing. Annual evaluations and treatments guarantee that your ash trees will remain safe and healthy. Ash trees full of life can impact the value of your property drastically. Contact us today to get your ash tree evaluation and treatment done for the year! See our page on the Emerald Ash Borer for additional information.