Look Before You Leap: Test Before You Treat!
Written by: Kyle Babicky, Board Certified Master Arborist, WI-0889B and Brooke Stemple, ISA Certified Arborist, RM-8302A
Posted: 2024 | Fertilization | Plant Health Care | Summer
Trees display their health through a variety of indicators seen above ground. Observations such as leaf shape/color, bark wounds, twig growth, and insect activity can all give clues to a tree’s health and possible issues. Our Certified Arborists interpret these symptoms to develop a management plan for your trees. However, getting to the bottom of tree health may require additional analysis before a treatment is prescribed.
Where is the source of tree decline? It is often in the same place the tree is receiving its water and nutrients– underground! Before leaping to the aid of those scorched, thin, or yellowing leaves, we must look deeper into the soil to discover what treatment will be most effective. A variety of soil testing tools are available for arborists to tap into specific issues such as nutrient levels, soil structure, or microbial activity.
Urban soil is not the same as the soft, nutrient rich soils of our native forests. Soil compaction is the leading cause of tree death in urban environments. The physical makeup of the soil affects how water and tree roots move through the soil. Soil compaction can be tested informally with a probe, or more accurately with the use of a soil penetrometer. Collecting a soil sample allows for visual analysis of texture and color which indicates water mobility and microbial activity. Hand-held devices can be used to test soil pH and electrical conductivity, both of which have ranges for optimal root function.
The nutrients available within the soil must be balanced to provide what tree roots require. If any of the nutrients required by a tree are too high or too low in the soil, it can lead to issues of leaf discoloration. To test for exact nutrient levels within the soil, we can send a sample to an accredited soil science lab to perform a soil analysis. Interpreting the nutrient balance within the soil is crucial to determine a prescription that will have the most positive impact on your tree’s health. We often pair this soil analysis with a foliar nutrient test, which paints an even bigger picture of the movement of nutrients from soil all the way to the canopy.
These methods are tools that arborists can use to provide additional context to the health of each tree. The more information gathered from testing, the more accurate our prescription for a healthy tree. All testing begins with collecting a sample – so make sure you look underground before you leap to the conclusion. Call Wachtel Tree Science; our ISA Certified arborists can use a variety of tools to diagnose your tree health to develop a recommended treatment plan!