Soil Testing for Healthy Plants
Written by: ISA Certified Arborist, Luke Scheberl
Posted: 2021 | Consulting | Spring
We all love trees. Thankfully we live in an area where nature supports a variety of trees from oaks to maples and everything in between. However, these natural systems are often heavily altered during urban development. If you have ever wondered why the birch tree in your yard struggles while others seem to be doing fine, the answer is likely in the soil. The only way to understand soil issues is to dig a little deeper. Your Wachtel Tree Science Arborist is happy to do this for you!
Frequent soil testing helps prevent future issues. In general, soils should be sampled every three to five years and if you are new to your property. Regular testing ensures that we can stay ahead of issues and address potential problems as they come up. Soil testing should especially be done if your plants are struggling in any way. Early detection and treatment is key in keeping most things healthy and trees are no different. Another perfect time to test is before new planting selections. Sometimes current soil conditions are difficult to alter. Matching appropriate plant species to your planting site can help alleviate many future headaches.
Soil testing results can include a lot of information. Sometimes reports can be challenging to understand on your own. That is where we come in. Whether the testing is done in our lab or sent out, we will help interpret results for you. We can even put them into an easy-to-understand report. Your Certified Arborist will then explain this report to you and provide action steps to improve your soil’s quality in support of healthy plants.
Through our soil testing program, we will work with you to repair natural systems and provide long-term improvements to your soil, landscape, and trees. Soil management doesn’t always show quick results, but through careful management we can reach our goal of long-lasting results. Contact us today to have your soil sampled and begin your soil improvement journey!