It is important that trees receive the necessary nutrients to live and thrive. Trees remove nutrients from the soil to live and grow. This natural process is disrupted in residential, commercial, and municipal environments by routine clean-up maintenance. When your trees are nutrient-deprived, they will be more susceptible to disease and insect problems, and will have a shorter lifespan than a similar, well-fertilized tree. Dutch Elm Disease and Oak Wilt Disease are two common tree diseases found in Wisconsin, and the Emerald Ash Borer and Gypsy Moth are two common harmful pests found in the state. Our Certified Arborists implement our specifically formulated fertilizing services that provide beneficial nutrients to compensate for iron and other deficiencies. Beneficial fungi and other compost teas can increase root growth and capacity using a variety of application techniques. They offer a thorough analysis to identify the best fertilization treatment for your landscape. If you suspect there may be a nutrient concern with your tree, contact your local arborist right away.
Oak Chlorosis Management
Chlorosis is a warning sign that a tree needs proper treatment to maintain its health.