I am a graduate of Purdue University and hold both a B.S. in Forest Production and a M.S. in Urban Forestry. I spent my first 20 years working in the municipal sector, first as City Forester for Springfield, Ohio and later as City Forester of West Allis, Wisconsin. Since 1994 I have worked in the private sector, joining Wachtel Tree Science as a Consulting Arborist in 2002. As a past president of the Wisconsin Arborist Association, I have received both their Distinguished Service and Honorary Life Member Awards. As I transition into full retirement mode, I have relinquished my ISA certifications (Certified Arborist/Municipal Specialist) that I held for almost 30 years.
I have two wonderful daughters, one currently a stay-at-home mom, formerly a business manager for a veterinary clinic. The other a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance in Ashville, North Carolina. I also find time on several occasions in the winter to visit my three grandkids in south Florida. In addition, I serve as treasurer of my church and maintain the extensive landscape on the church property.
I continue to use my experience and education as a Consulting Arborist & ISA Certified Arborist/Municipal Specialist to give back to our local communities. I find it especially rewarding to work with smaller communities that don’t typically have a forester on staff, assisting in guiding them in the management of their public trees.