Tree Care Information from Experienced Certified Arborists
Wachtel’s newsletter, The Plant Doctor’s Seasonal Report, brings you the most important and up to date seasonal tree care information throughout the year. This is where our Certified Arborists share their experience and passion for all aspects of the tree care industry. From preventative plant health care topics like the Emerald Ash Borer epidemic to daily happenings at the Wachtel office, The Plant Doctor’s Seasonal Report keeps you informed.
Read below to see the most up to date tree care information from our Wachtel staff of Certified Arborists and tree care specialists. For even more information on important tree care, take a look at the various tree care resources available in our digital resource center.
A Planting Status Update
Winter 2016
When you toss a rock into a peaceful pond, ripples radiate out in all directions to influence whatever they roll past. Lilly pads undulate, surface weeds jiggle and the shoreline shifts ever so slightly.
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My Magnolia is a Sticky Mess!
Winter 2016
It was a typical busy summer day last year when our office phone rang. On the other end was a concerned client; something was wrong. “In all my time living here I’ve never seen this before.”
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A Gardener’s Perspective
Winter 2016
Perspective is an interesting thing. You could ask 10 people to describe the meaning of a song and you would likely get 10 different responses. In the tree business a client’s perspective is vital for properly caring for their trees.
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Why Prescriptions?
Winter 2016
Each year, sometime between early January and the end of March, most of you receive a special mailing from us. Inside the pale green envelope is a document that says “2016 Plant Health Care Prescription”.
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